Role In Show Tops

Fashion: Role in show tops of milliner's success 

"My hat's lead a more exciting life than I do!" laughed milliner Monika Neuhauser as her creations flew business class to Dubai then first class to London before appearing at Ascot.

Ascot may seem a long way from the small Waikato town where Monika has been making headwear since 2006.
"We've lived in the middle of Pirongia for 23 years, on an acre where I have a separate studio. Clients happily drive a couple of hours to see me and photos can be sent electronically for approval. E-commerce makes buying from overseas easy," says Monika.
Her designs have been dispatched to Australia, Canada, the United States, UK and Ireland.

Creating hats for Tarnished Frocks and Divas 2017 show Zoetica, her first foray into theatre, is a fresh challenge.
"We work with larger dimensions in theatre."
Monika attributes some of her international exposure to being very active on social media like Facebook, Instagram and her blog.

Her millinery career was kick-started by a day at the races. Her friend Elizabeth Charleston suggested they put on a nice frock and a hat for a day out at Ellerslie.
"I couldn't find a hat that felt right so after googling the subject made myself a hairpiece which attracted compliments. So, I made one for my friend, then another ... and the rest is history."

After dabbling for a while it became important to do it right so Monika attended a Millinery Convention in Australia.
"There I met a fellow Austrian, Waltraud Reiner, a master milliner who lives and works in Melbourne and teaches all round Australia and internationally. She became my mentor and we have become close friends. Waltraud was trained the good old-fashioned way in workrooms and generously shares a wealth of knowledge from 30 years' experience.
Her dedication to integrity resonates with me. I now travel to Melbourne at least once a year to learn from her and other renowned milliners." Monika gains inspiration from her materials and tools, rarely starting with a fixed plan. "If I do, it often leads elsewhere!"

Designs from the past get her own contemporary interpretation.
With 'made to order' it is different; outfits need to be matched, style suitable to the occasion and shape and size right for the wearer.

Her work has been recognised with a raft of awards, Supreme at Ellerslie on Boxing Day and Supreme at the Tauranga races in March, her hats topping outfits worn by Elizabeth Charleston.
This led to a trip to Brisbane for the Carnival Oaks Day where Elizabeth was again successful, securing a sash as second runner-up.

Monika's daughter Johanna is a past winner at Ellerslie, both the Daily Award on Derby Day 2015 and on Diamond Day during Auckland Cup Week. "I also enjoy getting photos of my hats from weddings and feel amazing every time a client has loved wearing my creation."

It's a racing reference which sees Monika designing for Tarnished Frocks and Divas this year.
"When I was invited as a judge two years ago I had never heard of the show and was completely blown away by it. Now I am delighted to be designing headwear for the first model walk in Zoetica. 'Bigger is better' took a while to get used to, especially when they have to be light too as any hat should float not weigh the wearer down."

No hesitation about hats Monika regularly witnesses the difference a hat makes.
"When women try on hats in my studio I see a certain excitement, a sense that a hat gives us something no other accessory can; a bit of mystery, pizazz, glamour, chic, flirtatiousness ... apart from keeping our hair under control on a windy day!

"I can't think of an occasion when you could not wear a hat or headpiece," adds Monika, who admires the way women used to wear them with such grace and gusto.
"In 1926 Lilly Dache, a Viennese born, Paris trained, milliner opened a studio in New York.

Her millinery emporium encompassed a seven-floor building with a silver room for blond clients and a gold one for brunettes, her production estimated at 30,000 hats per year.
That's how women felt about hats in those days."



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